Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Writing 2 Blog Post for Crit 1

Our first critique meeting is finally HEEEEEERE. My concept has changed very little since the last time I posted, which is good! I thought about this project a lot before deciding on it for the course and I'm happy with how it's turning out. I had originally decided to sketch on the spot at the nursing home as well as at home, but since meeting with a couple residents that idea has changed. When meeting with Gene (who will be featured in my first "portrait,") I found that sketching and not giving my full attention to my interviewee was a little rude, therefore I've decided just to record our conversation and take photographs- with Gene's permission.
Another thing that has changed is my choice of medium. I had initially envisioned the works done in pen and ink with graywash or possibly watercolor. I have since changed my medium to strictly pencil on mixed media paper (5x7 drawings on 9x12 paper.) I find that the pencil gives a more sketched and journal-like feel to the works. I'm pretty happy with my choice! 
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 This is Gene Shaffer, and he is the subject for my first series of pages! He was kind enough to sit down and talk with me about his life- where he grew up, what he did for a living, how he likes living at the nursing home etc. It was so great to get to know him, there were a few hiccups along the way, he couldn't hear much and the his roommates TV was much too loud for me to be able to record our conversation, but overall it was a success.
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  Here I've just included a few sketches, a preliminary study of Gene as well as a few things I noticed in his room. With the images in the final project, I will include a quote from our conversation.

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I also intend on drawing a few of his favorite things, like this print of Jesus that he has had for 40 years (!!!)
OVERALL I'm happy with where this project is going and I have met with my next interviewee, Tom Turner and I'm really excited to get started on his pieces!

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Sneak Peek of Tom!

I chose to check out Rudi's blog this week ( ) and what a truly impressive blogger she turned out to be! Put me to shame. Rudi's work is clean and organized and quite the inspiration to my mess! I am excited to see her project for this semester. I think her paper cutouts are precise and the craftsmanship involved is clearly evident. Check out her work, y'all! Here's the link again in case you missed it:

I attended Dr. Wu's lecture as well as Josie Mai's and Maria Lupo's. The talk that I found most compelling was Josie's discussion over the artistic explosion that happened after the 2011 Joplin Tornado. I was still in high school when this happened and I live about 40 minutes south. I had many friends and an uncle who lost everything in the tornado so it really hit close to home for me. I was interested in Josie's talk because I was completely unaware of all the art and healing that came from this event. It was really beautiful to see some lovely things come out of something so tragic and to learn about the healing that came with it.

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