Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Writing 3 (blog posts) for Crit 2

My first Critique in my first Critique course ever went really well! I really enjoyed seeing everyone's work and hearing about their processes and their goals for the rest of the semester.
Here are a few of my final images, I brought a series of 8, 5x7 pencil drawings in a portrait series of the ever so lovely and kind Mr. Gene Shaffer:

Josie Mai was critiquing our work this time and I have to say that she was so helpful and supportive of everyone. She asked questions and I felt very comfortable and at ease.
Josie said that my pieces were delicate and poignant and she suggested that I should compile a book of the portraits! She also recommended that I really take some time to get to know the subject. Really figure out the essence of their character and try to portray that in these works.

Keeping that in mind, the series that I'm bringing to our second crit is a little different. The two men I've met with at the nursing home are very different. Gene was very reserved and gentle. Tom, the subject of this series, is rambunctious and passionate and a great story teller! I had the best time with him. I recorded over an hour of conversation (by conversation, I mean Tom telling me stories!) and have been meticulously transcribing his words.
When I asked him how he liked it there, he said some wonderful thing about the nurses and their work and although the narrative I am choosing to illustrate is not about Tom himself, I think it will make a beautiful series. For this crit, I will be doing this instead of a portrait just like Gene's.

This time I am here to tell you about the stunning Jacqueline Denton! She is really doing some really unique and wonderful things in the art world, AND she has over 10,000 followers on Instagram- TEACH ME YOUR WAYS, JACQUE.
On her blog,  Jacque describes her process and shows her work that she brought to our first critique. Check her out NOW. Her style is completely unique chock full of dripping neons, pale and beautiful femme fatales, and lots of stars.
Here it is again unless you forgot- 

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